Matias Denti

Matias Denti

Matias, a recent addition to Goldstein Immigration Lawyers in October 2023, brings a wealth of unique experiences and skills to our team. His story begins in Argentina, where he attended an Irish elementary school and high school. He was on the verge of commencing a legal career at Austral University, but his passion for professional surfing led him to explore the world and compete in his twenties.

Over time, Matias transitioned into a fulfilling career in Sales and Customer Service, where he honed his skills to become a dedicated and skilled professional. Today, he balances his love for surfing with a promising career in Sales, embodying the perfect harmony of two distinct worlds.

Matias’s journey is a testament to his adaptability and diverse interests. As an integral part of our Goldstein Immigration Lawyers family, he is excited to continue his unique career path, embracing the balance between law and sales, and making a meaningful contribution to our team’s success.

Matias Denti
Matias Denti Director of Client Engagement - Intake and Sales Team


Matias’s journey with Goldstein Immigration Lawyers is a testament to his adaptability, diverse interests, and unique career path.