Muhamud’s 10-Year Visa Win to Bring His Family from Somalia to the U.S.!

Imagine waiting almost ten years to see your family again. You face family visa approval delays and wonder if the day will ever come when you’ll be able to reunite with your loved ones. This was what Muhamud went through. He came to the United States as a refugee, hoping to bring his family together in a new place where they could start fresh. But the journey wasn’t easy.

How would you handle a difficult family immigration process while keeping family visa approval hope alive for many years? Muhamud’s story is about never giving up, the love for his family, and the fight to be together. 

His experience shows that even though the path to the American dream can be hard, it’s worth it. Learn how Muhamud petitioned and mandamus lawsuit to help reunite his family. His family visa approval success story may connect with you or someone you know.

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Arriving As a Refugee in the United States

Muhamud came to the United States as a refugee in 2005 from Somalia. Right away, he worked hard to get family visa approval for his mom and bring her to the United States. His mom helped by sponsoring the rest of the family when she finally arrived. Muhamud’s family relied heavily on the support he and his mom could provide. 

Muhamud recounted:

“Yes, that's right. I came as a refugee here, 2005. So I sponsored my mom when she comes. When she came, she sponsored other kids. I came as a refugee here in 2005. So I sponsored my mom when she came. When she came, she sponsored other kids.”

Waiting a Decade for Family Visa Approval

Muhamud talked about how long his family had to wait. They started the process almost ten years ago for six kids. Two of them were older than 21, so they had to wait longer. The younger kids were able to come to the U.S. within three years, arriving in 2016 and early 2017. 

But the older kids had to wait five more years. They had an interview at the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi in 2021. However, their case was delayed further because it needed more processing. So they had to keep waiting for almost a decade. 

Muhamud's family worked hard to get through the tough immigration process and achieve their dream of starting a new life in the United States.

Muhamud shared:

“10 years almost, yeah. What they did was, it was like six kids, and those two, they were over 21. So they brought under 21 kids within three years. So it took, I think, two years. They came in 2016, at the beginning of 2017. 

So they said the children who are over 21, they have to wait five more years, maybe something like that. So we waited, and then in 2021, they sent an interview. Then they went to the embassy, Nairobi embassy, and they had that interview. Then they bought administrative process from that year, from that time. So since 2021 up to now.”

10 Years to Visa Approval: How Muhamud’s Family Reunited!

What is Administrative Processing?

Administrative Processing 221(g) occurs when a visa application requires extra review before family visa approval. The consulate or embassy closely examines the application for several possible reasons:

  • Security Checks: To ensure the applicant is safe and trustworthy.
  • Additional Documents: To review any extra papers or information needed.
  • Verification: To confirm that all information and documents are genuine.
  • Further Review: To investigate any complex or unusual parts of the application.

While in administrative processing 221(g), the visa application hasn’t been approved yet. In some cases, administrative processing can take years to resolve. You should regularly check your visa status and be patient during this visa review process. 

What You Can Do to Speed Up Administrative Processing?

You can file a mandamus petition if your visa application is stuck for a long time, just like Muhamud. This lawsuit is a legal action that asks the U.S. government to decide on your visa. A local Writ of Mandamus lawyer can help you file a petition. 

This petition asks the court to urge the consulate or embassy to process your application. The lawsuit does not guarantee family visa approval, but it can help speed up the process.

A Family’s New Beginning in the United States

After all the long years of waiting, Muhamud's siblings finally received family visa approval. Muhamud’s happiness and thankfulness for his family's new start are touching. He waited a long time and went through a tough immigration process. Now, he feels great relief and joy. His mother and siblings have finally received their visas and are now in the U.S.

The joy in Muhamud’s voice was clear as he shared the good news:

“They already came here. They're in the U.S., both of them.”

“Mom is so happy,” he shared warmly. “Every time we talk, she says, ‘Oh, say thank you to Josh, to Lusanda, to everybody who works at this firm.’ She’s sending you a lot of big thanks.”

Muhamud feels like his dream is coming true as he gets family visa approval to reunite with his siblings and family. Muhamud’s gratitude and excitement for his family's new beginning are truly heartwarming.

Muhamud’s 10-year journey to reunite with his family highlights his incredible patience and determination. Discover how he achieved visa approval!

Celebrating Muhamud’s Family Visa Approval Triumph

We want to thank Muhamud for sharing his journey and bringing inspiration to others. Waiting nearly ten years to be with your family and handling the tough family visa approval process is no easy task. Muhamud’s refugee family reunion is a testament to the power of never giving up no matter what.

As Muhamud excitedly shared:

“A lot different. So they started a new life. They're beginning their own life right now. So when they get their documents, they start working, going to school, have a better life.”

“That’s the American dream."

Muhamud’s family visa approval success celebrates dedication and hard work, giving hope to others facing similar challenges. We admire Muhamud and his mom’s years of dedication and love for their family. We are proud to have helped Muhamud’s family and hope they have a future where all their dreams become reality.

Don’t Give Up on Your Family’s Visa Approval Dream!

Muhamud's family visa approval triumph shows that even though it can be hard to bring your family together, it’s worth the wait. Difficult times can lead to new beginnings. His journey reminds us how important family is and how strong we can be when we don’t give up.

Muhamud's family visa approval is a success story that can inspire hope for others facing similar challenges. With patience and support, you can also achieve your dream of reuniting with your family. If your family is in a similar situation, there’s family immigration help out there. Share your case below and let’s work together to reunite your loved ones!

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