How Kamala Harris’s Policies Are Changing Immigration

U.S. immigration politics are getting really interesting, and Kamala Harris’s policies are at the heart of it. She's become a major player in shaping immigration policy, especially with her views on border security.

This has led to a lot of debate and affects people wanting to immigrate. In this article, we’ll look at Harris's approach to border security, compare it with Trump’s policies, and see how it impacts the visa application process.

We’ll also review the Immigration and Nationality Act of June 17, Biden’s Parole in Place policy, and recent changes in immigration laws. Our aim is to help you understand these issues and give you useful tips for navigating the immigration system.

Kamala Harris's Long-Term Immigration Strategy 

Harris held several progressive views on immigration during her 2020 presidential nomination. She supported government healthcare for undocumented immigrants and wanted to decriminalize border crossings.

When President Joe Biden asked Vice President Kamala Harris to handle migration from Central America. Kamala Harris’s policies focused on encouraging private investment in El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. 

The goal was to create jobs and reduce the need for migration. However, this approach allowed Republicans to criticize her for not acting quickly on the U.S.-Mexico border. Harris wasn’t in charge of border security. 

Instead, Kamala Harris’s policies focused on working to get investments in these countries, hoping it would reduce migration over time. Critics say her approach was too slow to tackle the border crisis effectively.

Kamala Harris’s policies and efforts have secured over $5.2 billion in investment promises, though results are still unfolding. Some projects have started, but others are still pending. She also worked on fighting corruption in Central America and helping to stabilize Guatemala. 

Despite mixed opinions on her strategy, Harris and her supporters see it as a smart, long-term solution to a complicated issue.

Kamala Harris’s Policies: Addressing Underlying Issues

Experts say that fixing the main reasons people leave their home countries—like poverty, unemployment, gang violence, climate change problems, and corruption—is key to reducing pressure on our southern border. If these issues aren't addressed, changing U.S. border enforcement alone won’t solve the problem.

However, Kamala Harris’s policies to solve these root causes take time. These problems have been building up for many years in the countries where most immigrants come from. It could take several years, or even multiple presidential terms, to see big changes.

Investing in these long-term solutions won’t give quick results. Ignoring these root causes, or waiting until the border is "secure" as Trump and other Republicans suggest, only delays a sustainable solution. 

Kamala Harris’s policies have worked hard on long-term solutions by negotiating with leaders from Latin American countries. The Harris campaign is inspiring optimism among immigration advocates and supporters. They are committed to building a more inclusive, fair, and efficient system.

Learn how Kamala Harris’s policies and Biden’s Parole in Place, are shaping U.S. immigration. Get tips for navigating changes here!

A Shift in Strategy: New Border Policies

U.S. immigration policies have recently undergone major changes with new strategies and legislative efforts.

The Bipartisan Border Bill

The Senate started working on a new border bill with support from both parties. However, Donald Trump stepped in and told his allies to stop it. This blocked the bipartisan effort but led President Biden to create a new border security policy. This policy worked. Fewer people are crossing the border now, and the data shows improvement.

Exploring the Immigration and Nationality Act's Recent Reforms

The Immigration and Nationality Act of June 17 is an important part of U.S. immigration law. Recent changes, like Biden’s Parole in Place policy, have added new factors to think about. Understanding these rules is important for anyone dealing with immigration, as they affect eligibility, processing times, and chances of success.

Comparing Harris and Trump’s Immigration Policies

The Harris-Biden administration’s approach to immigration is very different from Trump’s. Trump focused on building a border wall and strict deportations. Kamala Harris’s policies have emphasized diplomacy and addressing the root causes of migration. This change has led to different results and reactions from both political sides.

Migration numbers have shifted under both presidents. In Trump’s first year, Border Patrol arrests dropped, then rose to over 850,000 in 2019. The numbers fell in 2020 due to the pandemic. Under Biden, arrests peaked at over 250,000 in December 2023, then dropped below 84,000 by June 2024.

The Political Battle Ahead

Trump might push for mass deportations and building the border wall. But these ideas mostly appeal to his core supporters. With some former supporters unsure, Trump faces a tough challenge, even on an issue like immigration that should have been an easy win for him.

The Impact on the Visa Application Process

For those seeking to immigrate, recent changes in border security policy can impact the visa application process. Kamala Harris's policies aim to address the root causes of migration, which might make the visa process more stable and predictable. However, since policies are still being debated, it’s crucial to stay informed and be ready for any updates.

Practical Tips for Navigating the U.S. Immigration System

Given the current political and legal landscape, you should take proactive steps to improve your chances of a successful application. Stay updated about immigration policy changes, seek legal advice when needed, and carefully follow the application process. 

Understanding how Kamala Harris’s policies are shaping immigration law can also help you navigate the situation better.

How Kamala Harris's Policies are Shaping U.S. Immigration

Get Expert Help with Your Immigration Process

Navigating U.S. immigration can be tricky, especially with the recent changes under Kamala Harris’s policies and ongoing debates. It's important to understand how these changes might affect your visa application.

If you need help with your immigration process, we're here for you. We invite you to subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates straight to your inbox. Contact our law firm for support and advice to guide you through these changes and improve your chances of success.

For more details on this content, view our Sources: 

Author: Wayne A. Cornelius. (2024, August 14). Presented with rise in border crossings, Harris chose a long-term approach to the problem. The Los Angeles Times.

Authors: Dan Merica, Nicholas Riccardi and Chris Megerian. (2024, August 14). Opinion: Trump and other Republicans call Kamala Harris a failed ‘border czar.’ Here’s the truth. NBC New York.

Authors: Sahil Kapur and Kate Santaliz. (2024, May 23). Senate Republicans block border security bill as they campaign on border chaos. NBC New York.

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